As stated above I am having some issues with loading a level from collecting 3 items, here are the exact details:
First level - you collect 3 items and they display a HUD inventory as you collect them.
Once you collect three the game changes to the next level - at this time - nothing resets, the hud is blank and you can no longer see your items being collected - everything else works / item collisions etc.
Here’s my code:
ObjectCollect - on the gameobject / HUD
static var collect : int = 0;
var collect0tex : Texture2D;
var collect1tex : Texture2D;
var collect2tex : Texture2D;
var collect3tex : Texture2D;
var NameOfTargetLevel : String;
function NextLevel(){
//var collect : int = 0;
function Update () {
if(collect ==1) {
guiTexture.texture = collect1tex;
guiTexture.enabled = true;
else if(collect == 2){
guiTexture.texture = collect2tex;
else if(collect == 3){
guiTexture.texture = collect3tex;
else {
guiTexture.texture = collect0tex;
this tells the game to display a hud and every time the character hits a trigger object with the ‘pickup’ script applied - the hud image will change / and on 3 will change to the target level.
Here is the pickup script:
//attach to object to pickup and collect points; set point value in hierarchy.
var points : int;
function Update () {
function OnTriggerEnter (col : Collider) {
var playerStatus : PlayerStatus = col.GetComponent(PlayerStatus);
//Prints message in console (for debugging, not for game play):
//print ("Points added = " +points);
//function OnTriggerEnter(){
//TextHints.message = "Audio has been triggered.";
//TextHints.textOn = true;
Thanks for taking a gander at this if at all (sorry for the long post I wanted to be as specific as possible. Also I’m not a programmer so this sort of thing is tough for me to tackle off the bat)