Collide Jumpscare

edit: nvm

Ok. Where is your problem?

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The problem is that I don’t know how to do it :confused: Because I want to have it collide with the player and then jumpscare them with an image.

Define in your game what ‘jumpscaring’ means for you. Could be an image flashing, the creature being teleported to your face and so on. Then create a function that does just that once you call it. Use the OnCollisionEnter of the creature, check if it collided with the player, if so call the previously defined function to do what you want.

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I want it to flash an image and have a sound

Great. Create a function doing just that. Break the problem into pieces. Do you know how to play a sound? If so, good, implement it. If not, that should be a quick google search. Do you know how to flash an image? Same as above. After you can do both, create one function to do both. There are several approaches.
Once you have one function for starting / playing the desired effect, simply call it on collision.

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Key tip for this ontriggerenter or ontriggerstay depending on your use.