"collide with sphere" Fade-out

hi all
i made a “collide with sphere” node and attach it to my player location. that when my player collide with the particles they will die.
i want that instead of the particles will die instantly, they will have a smooth fade out.
anyone got an idea how i can do it? (I’m a beginner)

I’ve answered to a topic recently that is pretty closed to what you are looking for.
From what I can see, you’re in Unity 2022, so there might be some differences, but it should work.

The idea is pretty simple:

  • Disabling the “Aging” of particles.
  • Create a condition based on your player proximity.
  • Based on this condition, manually increment your particle’s age.
  • Fade your particle’s alpha/color thanks to Age over lifetime.

I hope it will help, don’t hesitate to ask questions is the link topic isn’t enough. Have a wonderful day.