I have a very simple AI Agent.
That should be stopped by a simple wall.
I have four walls, each configure EXACTLY the same way.
But my agents walk through the East and West walls, but NOT the North and South walls.
??? Why???
I have this on the AI Agent
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) {
Debug.Log("Colliding" + collision.gameObject.ToString() );
foreach (ContactPoint contact in collision.contacts) {
Debug.DrawRay(contact.point, contact.normal, Color.white);
And that Debug.Log fires EVERY TIME the agent runs into ANY wall, but the colliders don’t stop the agent when it runs into the East and West Walls. ??? Why?
This is SO frustrating, because from what I’m reading I’ve set up the colliders correctly.
They work on 2 of the walls.
The colliders report collisions via Debug.Log
But the East and West walls DO NOT STOP MOTION!
What is going on?