Collider not detecting trigger

I have an object that when it detects the trigger im suppose to be able to place it. But no matter what I seem to do is doesn’t respond. So I took my script and put it on my player and it detected the player perfectly. The object I place has a collider not triggered. Where im trying to place is triggered. Im lost :frowning:

Here is the script im using:

#pragma strict
var intendedPosName : String;
var canPlace		: boolean = false;
function Start () 
	canPlace = false; // This is so that game doesn't start out letting you place the object anywhere.

function Update () 
function OnTriggerEnter(col : Collider)
	if( == intendedPosName)
		print("I entered");
function OnTriggerStay(col : Collider)
	if( == intendedPosName)
		canPlace = true;

Add Rigidbody to the gameobject