Collider on prefab no longer loading

Hello all,
Upon booting up unity yesterday, I noticed that the collider on my player prefab started failing. A paused the run and looked at the collider to see:

alt text

Now, my size parameters are usually much larger (0.2, 0.1) and never had an issue. Why they are changed to 0.0001 upon running the scene is still a mystery to me. If, midrun, I change these values to (0.2, 0.1) it successfully creates the collider, so it isn’t a size issue. I don’t have any scripts that change the size of this collider either.

I am pretty lost on this one. Could there be an issue with the prefab itself? What makes this most puzzling is that it, seemingly, happened overnight.

I have pretty much stopped all other development to figure out this issue, so any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

EDIT: Nevermind, found the source buried in a script that was changing the size on start up. Why it hadn’t popped up in the last 3 months of development is beyond me. Sorry for confusion.

Try to click the reset option in the script’s settings menu (Black wheel icon on top right corner of the script box)