Collider.OnTriggerEnter documentation misleading?

says “If both GameObjects have Collider.isTrigger enabled, no collision happens.”
Re-reading this, I guess it means it they don’t bang into each other (physically collide), which of course makes sense, but I read it as meaning “they don’t trigger” & I’m not alone:).

Report the documentation on the page if you feel it needs improving.

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It says “no collision happens” I would read this as OnCollisionEnter will not be called. Not that OnTriggerEnter will not be called.

As for the other post you commented on, it may have something to do with hierarchical trigger calls. I see no reference to where that script sits or where in the hierarchy the weapon is and if there are other colliders on parents of the weapon. All of this will affect if a trigger/collider event gets called.

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