i Drag the mainLevelMesh into the scene. i make it bigger, by default i think it is 1,1,1 or something like that so i make it x 500 y 100 z 300 or so
they say: "In the Inspector panel, inside of the FBXImporter options youll find the "Generate
Colliders" option. Toggle that option on. If we dont do this, the player will
simply fall through the level (no collision)."
i toggle that option but when i play the player simply falls through the level no (no collision) that what happens, just like they say. So do you know how to solve this, i have an idea, but i wanna hear yours first.
I don't know what tutorial you're working with, but my guess is that you're meant to add a CharacterController to the player, which will collide with all other colliders.
If you got all that right, the only reason for the player falling through should be that your mesh's normals are pointed in the wrong direction. Are they?