Colliders aren't working

My colliders arent working good. They are working, but i can move through the wall. I don’t know how tofix it. I have video. My game is minecraft-clone game.
Video: WDfiles — файлообменник бесплатный - загрузить файл downloadable

My guess is that you are moving your objects around with Transform.Translate or something similar.
Colliders don’t detect collisions, they just exist. Rigidbodies and CharacterControllers detect collisions.

You have to use either one of those or the Physics methods in scripting.

You should use rigidbody based movement as FlaSh-G recommended. When you move with transform.translate or move towards or transform.position += etc, you ignore the physic collisions and say “it doesn’t matter are you colliding with an object or not, just change your position value with this.”. And even there is any collider or obstacle, it will still pass through