To illustrate the problem:
So I want to make a physical chain. I made a chain module mesh and want to make a compound collider for it.
Now I'm trying to do it with 6 child box colliders trying to simulate a real chain. The first chain module is a kinematic rigidbody(because I don't want it to fall), the second one is not kinematic. So the problem is that colliders does't collide at all. I placed a cube beniath and the chain modules collides with the cube. Why it doesn't collide with the first chain module? The Unity says: "Invalid parameter because it was infinity or nan."
Another question: When I start to move the cube up and down during the runtime the chain module that falls on the cube starts to jump on it(predictable and right), but after a number of such jumps it just goes through the cube and continue falling, so somehow it doesn't collide with the cube as well. Or a similar situation: two objects with box colliders. One is kinematic, the other a regular rigidbody, which falls on the kinematic one and stops and everything is ok, but when I rapidly move the kinimatik rigidbody in the runtime, the other, which until this moment laid still, falls through the kinimatic rigidbody. Is it possible to prevent this somehow?
What is the problem?
Here is what I want to achive:Chain mesh is a rigidbody and 6 box colliders. Even when I don't move objects in the editor window the chain breaks. I can't attach more then 6 parts. Is it the right way to simulate a chain?