
Can someone please explain to me what i’m doing wrong. I just imported a character i was working on as an fbx from maya to test our some animations. So i created a cube for my character to walk on. Can someone please explain to me the colliders i need for my mesh not to fall through the ground every single time i hit play. I have tried adding a mesh collider to the cube and a rigid body to my character but not even that works. This problem has been annoying me for the whole day.

Try a box collider to start. I use a capsule collider on my character. When you use a mesh collider, you have to many times manually select the mesh to use as the collider shape under the Mesh box in the component. It’s harder to use mesh colliders with a moving character in my experience. Capsules are usually pretty good for a character once you fine tune their dimensions. Make sure when you do add a collider that “Is Trigger” is not checked.

Thanks you are the best the capsule collider worked like a charm

The reason why for the pass through is most likely because the mesh is non convex. Some mesh colliders can be converted to convex depending on there shape and complexity. Non convex mesh colliders are only supported on game objects without a rigidbody.