Collision data changes when saved.

So I’m currently saving a collision during the OnCollisionEnter() event and saving it to a list.
Once there is an item in that list i want to compare the colliders i hit (and get information from them) but somehow when I go the read the collisions the data changes.

List<Collision> currentCollisions = new List<Collision>();

private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        Debug.Log($"Instance ID of collider added to the list: (collision.collider.GetInstanceID()}");        
private void CheckCollisions()
        for (int i = 0; i < currentCollisions.Count; i++)
             Debug.Log($"Instance ID of collider retrieved from the list 


And this is what I get from the console:[175119-capture.png|175119]*
The collision it ends up having is with its own collider. The Id is the same as it self and that’s the only collision registered in the list.
Maybe there is something I am missing when it comes to collisions but I don’t think that should be happening?

Not sure why this happens but I did find a workaround where I save the collider instead of the collision. I didn’t want to do that as I also needed the contact points so I had to store them separately.