Yeah, still working on that pinball idea. Here’s my new problem, and I thought I had a solution for it, but no.
I built an extra collider onto the flipper so the flipper wouldn’t pass right through the ball when it flipped up. Or so I thought. The grey circle is the ball. The big grey thing hanging under the flipper like a huge plastic jowl is the collider that the ball absolutely shouldn’t be passing through.
The ball does respond to the collider, but only when the flipper is standing still or moving so slowly that it can’t possibly propel the ball anywhere.
Here’s the hierarchy:
(FYI, Flipper Collider 2 is the same thing for the other side, without a renderer so it doesn’t show up and without any sort of collider so it doesn’t interact with anything.)
Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong, please? Do I need more polygons on that mesh? Should it be shaped differently?