Sorry if I am posting in the wrong forum as I dont know what is correct forum for this and getting so frustrated with collision detection . Does anybody know if there is a collision detection tutorial covering rigid bodies andcolliders without rigid bodies?
If I am posting to the wrong forum, please advise where I should post this.
Thanks. May be the matrix is helpful. I have an emptygame object (with a sphere collider) which is moving and want to detect collision with a static cube (which has a box collider and is rigide body). But I never get a collision (I use OnCollisionEnter to see if anything happens). If I make the emptyobject a rigidbody, it moves very very slowly so I removed it.
You have to have rigidbody on MOVING object ( and collider too ). You may want to check all FreezePosition/FreezeRotation fields under Constraints section of rigidbody to avoid automatic movement modifications.