Collision for cars and impact

I’m currently using OnTriggerEnter with a box collider in front of my car so that when it hits a human model it changes it to a rag doll to give the illusion of collision.

I would like to have more realistic collision physics where I can use OnCollisionEnter and check for relativeforce etc.

The problem I’ve found using OnCollisionEnter on the cars mesh collider, is that it collides, then bounces back then instantiates the rag doll version, would anyone be able to suggest a better solution to creating more realistic collision between a car and a human model?

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collision)
        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Player" || collision.gameObject.tag == "Bullet")
            //Debug.Log("Trigger hit");
            if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Bullet")
                Debug.Log("Hit by bullet");

and this one

    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Player" || collision.gameObject.tag == "Bullet")
            if (collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude > 2)

What are your mass settings at on the bodies? Sounds like they are equivalent which would cause the bounce you’re talking about. Try setting the mass on the car to be higher then the mass on the person. This should allow the car to push the person (it should not bounce off in the way you are describing) along with allowing you to use the collision event.

You can also look at adding a physic material to the car in order to more greatly influence the body you are hitting (or you could do this via script).