Ok, maybe I should explain the whole thing better, so you can better understand what I’m trying to do here.
I want to create a door, and when you look at the door, a button appears and if you tap it it takes you “outside” or to the next scene. I have a long, thin, trigger capsule collider that points wherever the player looks (it’s attached to the main camera) . This is called the player manager. It has a rigidbody attached for onTrigger events. I use it to pick up objects, open doors, activate things the player is looking at, etc.
Now I have a door. Its just a cube with a door texture I found on google images lol. It also has an onTrigger collider, but no rigidbody. I have a simple one line script on my door (its literally just a single public variable). The script basically says what scene the door goes to.
So, I made a script for the player manager. It basically says that onTriggerEnter, if other tag == door than a button appears. When you click the button it takes you to the new scene. The script is very simple, and works ABSOLUTELY FINE in the editor. I press play, and look at the door, and the button appears, I click it, and boom, next scene.
But for some reason unbeknownst to me the script does not work on my actual android. Its like the collision isnt detected on my device or something. It is very bizarre, and I have tried almost everything, and cannot figure out why it isn’t working. These forums are my last resort lol
P.S. just for a test, I scratched the whole button thing, and made it so that the scene automatically changes when the collision is detected. Once again, worked fine in editor, but not on my android. So my android is deffinately not even detecting the collision.