Collision is not working with some Collider2d

I have a plane and i put collider 2d top and bot to keep it wont fly out of screen. The problem is if i put script to destroy my plane when it touch bot only, it will ignore the top one, i mean my plane can fly out of screen. I put trigger active at my plane as both two collider no need trigger (no script) just to make sure my plane not fly out of screen. I already try any combination both of them active deactive trigger but the result is same. If i put script into my bot and trigger active, it will work as i want it but i dont want to put script into my collider2d, just in case if i have alot of collider2d, that means i need to put script into all of them (just because i dont want my plane fly out of screen). Please help. I hope you understand my english

forget it. i already solve my question. i untick the trigger and in the script i replace OnTriggerEnter2d with OnCollisionEnter2d so i still have collision both of them without trigger.