Collision Issue - Not properly set up?

So I have an “explosion” object that when created, I want it to figure out which objects are in range, and activate a script function on them, then destroy itself. For now, I’m just printing if a collision is detected, and even that isn’t working.

I have an empty object representing the “explosion” with a script, a collider, and a rigid body. The script has a OnCollisionEnter() call in it, as follows:

function OnCollisionEnter(collision : Collision)
    //print("Collision with: ";

In theory, when this object hits the plane objects I want it to react to, it should print their names. The planes are set up with a mesh, mesh renderer, a collider, a rigid body, and the script I eventually want to talk to.

Am I setting up the objects correctly? Any insight?

I’ve also tried OnCollisionStay to no avail.

Probably the easiest thing for you to do would be to simply use OverlapSphere to identify the objects within range. That way you don’t need to worry about how collisions behave with just-instantiated objects.