Hi all,
Ok; I’ve made some progress but get stuck at this point.
I have my character controller move a rigibody by making it kinematic as it solves loads of issues rather than keeping it as a physic and attaching a joint.
But I can’t stop the kinematic body going through other scenery which just has box colliders etc.
The documentation suggests that when 2 bodies collide one must be a rigid body (which one is even if kinematic) but I don’t seem to be able to trap this collision in any collision event so that I can ‘undo’ the move to avoid the penetration.
EDIT: I guess I am asking how to detect a collision between a kinematic body and a collider (non rigid body)?; I think that’s what I want 
Also is there a method to detect a collision now i.e. literally at this point in the code?
Can anyone help?
Kinematic will not stop. It is designed to have infinite mass. It is designed so that it would move others. If others don’t move fast enough they’ll pass through it. Kinematic means movement, and thats what it does. You do not make a character kinematic for the most part.
In any case to detect a collision with the kinematic, something else has to detect it, and it has to be moving.
Hi Hippocoder,
Yep I know this. But I can’t get a kinematic body to register a collision with a box collider (no rigid body).
I’m looking at ray casting but having the same issue ; basically I wish the kinematic to register a collision with colliders (scenery and therefore not rigid bodies).
I guess I am asking :
Why can’t I detect a collision between 2 colliders when one is not a rigid body? (i.e. the scenery) and the other is kinematic and using ray cast; this is what I need to do.
I need to know if my kinematic has hit scenery - but no method seems to return collision!