Collision of a moving object with a standard 3rd person controller

Hello there,

I had an issue while working on a game and if you could point me on to the right direction it would be great!

I am trying to check collision between a horizontal cylinder which is rotating on the y-axis, with my 3rd person character(standard controller provided with Unity) controller that comes along with unity 3. Both my GameObjects have been assigned a rigid body component but somehow as soon as the cylinder comes close to the character it passes through it rather than colliding with it. Are there any particular settings i need to change to get this working? Your help on this would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

There are 2 simple explanations. I'm not sure which is the case here, but I would guess the first:

  1. One or both of your rigidbodies are sleeping. You would need to do something to wake them up either explicitly or implicitly. Perhaps you should consider having your cylinder be kinematic?
  2. Collision between these objects or layers has been disabled. Layer collisions can be checked/changed in the Project's physics settings or by calling certain function. Likewise, collision between individual objects can also be disabled through code. The IgnoreRaycast layer is automatically ignored by physics.