Collision with part of mesh collider only

Hello! I was wondering how I should go about creating collision detection between a monster that is supposed to hit my player character with it’s hands and the player character itself. I only want the hands of the monster to hurt the player when they collide during an attack animation. How should I check to make sure that the monsters hands are colliding with the player? Do I need to make the hands separate objects to the body, or is there another way?


Breaking the hands out as a separate mesh and putting mesh colliders on them is solution…the most accurate one. If you don’t mind an imprecise solution, you can add a couple of empty child object and put box, sphere, or capsule collider on each. Then position these game objects at the hands and scale the colliders to as close a match as you can. You cannot have two colliders of the same type on the same object, but you can have two different colliders. So as a hack, you could have a sphere collider for one hand and a capsule collider for the other hand, bot on your main game object.