Collisions and terrain

Hi guys im making a open world game and i used unitys terrain object to create a large terrain and mass place some trees and grass but now that i have a axe which i modeled in Blender and a swinging animation for when you press LMB i want to destroy the trees when the swing anim hits it I’m having some trouble getting the axe to know wether it’s hitting the tree or the terrain?
heres a few of my scripts

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Tree : MonoBehaviour
    public void DestroyTree()
        Debug.Log("Tree destroyed!");
        // Add any particle effects, sounds, or animations for destruction if needed
        Destroy(gameObject); // Destroy the tree object
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Axe : MonoBehaviour
    private Animator animator;
    private bool isSwinging = false;
    public LayerMask treeLayer;  // LayerMask to specify which layers we want to detect
    public float swingDistance = 2f; // Adjust this based on how far you want the axe to swing

    void Start()
        animator = GetComponent<Animator>();

    void Update()
        // Trigger swing animation on LMB press
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) // Left Mouse Button

    private void SwingAxe()
        if (!isSwinging)
            isSwinging = true;
            Debug.Log("Swinging axe!");  // Ensure swing is triggered
            animator.SetTrigger("Swing"); // Trigger the swing animation
            Debug.Log("Already swinging...");  // Debug to ensure this isn't being skipped

        // Raycast to detect if axe hits tree during swing
        RaycastHit hit;
        Vector3 swingDirection = transform.forward; // Axis along which the axe swings
        if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, swingDirection, out hit, swingDistance, treeLayer))
            Debug.Log("Axe hit a tree!");
            // Assuming the tree is in the treeLayer and has a Tree script
            Tree tree = hit.collider.GetComponent<Tree>();
            if (tree != null)
                tree.DestroyTree();  // Destroy tree on hit

this is my first time using raycast so i dont know if this is right
any help would be greatly appreciated.

Does anyone know if there is a way to split up the collisions between the actual ground and the tree like making them there own object?

It might be easier to make your axe / tree collisions independent of the terrain system.

It also might be easier to not use raycasting for a melee item such as an axe.

Would you by any chance know how to split up the terrain and tree collisions like you said?

If the level is already built, you could separate them with a tool. I use a paid option for this that also converts terrains to mesh. This is what I use for that situation:

If you are building a new level, then it’s simply a matter placing the trees and grass as game objects just like you would place a cube or building on a non terrain, hard surface level/environment.

Thank you so much

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You’re welcome! I specifically focus on large environments and optimizing them so if have any more questions or want feedback in that area, you are welcome to ask! Cheers!