I have this code snipped which is supposed to detect when an entity has been clicked on.
Variant A works, which simply returns the closest hit. Variant B does NOT work, even though I use the same ray and a Unity-provided collector.
What confuses me is that both calls use ClosestHitCollider under the hood.
I tried to use every available collector and even wrote a custom one, none detected any entity.
Can anybody help me solve this issue? I probably missed something about the inner workings of the Physics package.
_currentCollisionWorld = _buildPhysicsWorld.PhysicsWorld.CollisionWorld;
var ray = _mainCamera.ScreenPointToRay(mouse.position.ReadValue());
var (origin, end) = (ray.origin, ray.GetPoint(1000f));
Debug.DrawLine(origin, end, Color.blue);
var raycastInput = new RaycastInput
Start = origin,
End = end,
Filter = CollisionFilter.Default
var collector = new ClosestHitCollector<RaycastHit>();
//VARIANT A -> This works!
if (!_currentCollisionWorld.CastRay(raycastInput, out var closestHit)) return;
Debug.Log("Variant A!");
//VARIANT B -> This doesn't work!
if (!_currentCollisionWorld.CastRay(raycastInput, ref collector)) return;
Debug.Log("Variant B!");