Hi there! I am currently running a script that changes the colors of my level, designed for identifying new sprites that are being created by my spawner script.
The thing is that now, due to performance issues, I need to implement something so that I can destroy the level parts that are not visible anymore and not needed, as they gather up and eat up a ton of resources after a while.
I tried to test things a bit and added a function that removes missing sprites.I deleted a few of the clones via the inspector just to test things and it seems that it throws some errors
Here’s what I’m doing currently and what I tried :
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Level_ColorChanger : MonoBehaviour
//How fast do we change
public float ChangeTime = 2f;
//How long do we wait before changing again
public List<SpriteRenderer> _spriteRenderers;
float r;
float g;
float b;
private Image background;
public float WaitTime = 3f;
void Start()
//Make a new List
_spriteRenderers = new List<SpriteRenderer>();
//Find our renderers
background = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ColoredPart_Background").GetComponent<Image>();
public void SearchSprites()
var sprites = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ColoredPart_Level");
for (var i = 0; i < sprites.Length; i++)
//See if it has a renderer on it
var renderer = sprites[i].GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
//Add it to the list if it does
if (!_spriteRenderers.Contains(renderer))
void SearchForMissingSprites()
for (int i = _spriteRenderers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (_spriteRenderers[i] = null)
private void Update()
while (t <= 1)
var bgstartColour = new Color(1, 1, 1);
background.color = Color.Lerp(bgstartColour, bgColor, t);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var startColour = _spriteRenderers[i].color;
/* I'm getting the
NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object over here at the
var lerpedColour = Color.Lerp(startColour, newColor, t);
_spriteRenderers[i].color = lerpedColour;
//Update our t according to how much time has passed
t += Time.deltaTime / ChangeTime;
yield return null;
Feel free to use this in your projects if this is what you need!
I commented on the line where I get a nullReference exception and I don’t know why I’m getting it, because if I remove the SearchForMissingSprites function, everything functions properly.It breaks absolutely everything, My sprite renderers list gets updated but adds empty elements ( None (Sprite Renderer) ).What is happening over here?
So, the real question is, how would I go about updating the list of sprite renderers so that my color changing doesn’t break?Because obviously if I just destroy the previous parts, the color changing still breaks.I’m guessing that what is wrong here is the way I am removing the sprites from the list and the fact that maybe I’m deleting them from the inspector instead of actually destroying them via a script?
Further explanation of the solution would be greatly appreciated as I’m still learning!
Thank you for the help!