Color Dodge in shader form?

I’m verrrry much a Unity noob, so bear with me:
I’m toying with faking light without using actual lights, and have had some effect with applying an Additive shader to my “lights” (that is, a simple texture of a spotlight), but it gives the light a sort of hazy look. So…is there any way I can add an effect resembling the layer mode “Color Dodge” from Photoshop instead? Since “Additive” is the equivalent of “Screen” in Photoshop, I assume “Color Dodge” is probably called something else in Unity as well, but what…?

but what?

It’s not called anything else in Photoshop.

But you could implement it yourself.

“The Color Dodge blend mode divides the bottom layer by the inverted top layer.”

No. Additive = Linear Dodge. That’s why it says “Add” next to it. Screen blends in the inverse of the color, which yields a more even effect. I don’t think Screen can be implemented without a render texture, but for Color Dodge, you can use a multiply Blend mode, and invert the color using both definitions of “inverse” in the fragment shader.