Hello, I have a problem in any Unity scene, even without lights, cameras or objects. The problem I have is that when I zoom in or zoom out a kind of color glitch appears that changes and is extremely annoying, I don’t know why this could be happening or what could be incorrectly configured.
Any help for this?
Here you can see better the problem I have.
Thank you
May be a debug setting or shader effect, changing color with distance. Check if this happens in a new project. If not, it‘s a project issue.Otherwise I‘d check for graphics driver updates.
I just checked it and with a new project it also happens to me, when opening the glitch does not appear but the moment you add any element to the hierarchy (a cube for example), the problem occurs
Has anyone else had this happen before? I have updated my graphics drivers, I have reinstalled Unity in its latest version and nothing, the problem continues to happen with any project and it is really annoying to work with these glitch…