Color.Lerp doesn't work

So I have a GUI labels text color set to a color variable called targetColor. I have targetColor lerping from white to a red color variable, depending on a float. Dragging the float variable between 0-1 in the inspector during play mode does not lerp it. If it is less than 0.99 it will instantly go white, if it is 1 it will go red. What’s going on? This follows the documentation example perfectly.

Edit: Here’s my example code as requested: (I’m adjusting colorLerp in the inspector for now)

public GUIStyle healthStyle;
public Color targetColor;
public Color normalTextColor = new Color(255,255,255,255);
public Color damageTextColor = new Color(135, 0, 0, 255);
public float colorLerp = 0;

void Start(){
    colorLerp = 0;

void Update(){
    targetColor = Color.Lerp(normalTextColor, damageTextColor, colorLerp);

    healthStyle.normal.textColor = targetColor;

void OnGUI(){
    GUI.Label(new Rect(...), "Text", healthStyle);

Color does not use 0-255, it uses 0.0-1.0. Color.Lerp works as expected.