Color textures exporting black on leaves

Using speedtree 10 and everything is looking good until I export.

I’m exporting Grouping:

Geometry type
Textures: PNG, max res: 4096, unwrap UVs, and include variations.

For the unwrapping, i have everything stacked, and it’s set to Layout: UDIM, Tile Size: 4096, Area to favor is default, and Control by: geometry type.

It looks like I’m getting the correct maps in evertything but the color exports. Those are black or mostly black except for some areas of spill sometimes.

I can get my color to export if i put it in the custom tab of the material, but that ignores any variation or editing i’ve done to the color.

I’ve had a colleague also try to export from another machine to check if it’s an issue with drivers, but they have the same results.

I just attempted the same thing with the broadleaf_field vfx sample tree that is included and it’s also not exporting the textures properly. the first leaf color comes out correct, but the rest of the udims have all sorts of errors. 1001 is correct, 1002 has about half the leaf correct but small and doesn’t correspond to the UVs and the other half looks to be color dilation.

Here are some images to illustrate the point. The first image is the UVs on the model that is output. The second image is the first udim (1001), the third image is the second udim (1002)

You can see clearly here that the image isn’t matching the UVs that are output.

Hi @creuter23,

Thanks for your report. Can you share screenshots of your export settings just so we make sure we match what you’re doing in our tests? Thank you!