And a similar error for line 65. I’m using 2020.1.0a7 and have Entities preview.4 - 0.3.0 installed.
Commenting out lines 63-69 of SearcherControl.cs like so:
//#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
// m_ListView.onItemsChosen += obj => m_SelectionCallback((SearcherItem)obj.FirstOrDefault());
// m_ListView.onSelectionChange += selectedItems => m_Searcher.Adapter.OnSelectionChanged(selectedItems.OfType<SearcherItem>().ToList());
m_ListView.onItemChosen += obj => m_SelectionCallback((SearcherItem)obj);
m_ListView.onSelectionChanged += selectedItems => m_Searcher.Adapter.OnSelectionChanged(selectedItems.OfType<SearcherItem>());
makes this work, but this makes me deeply uneasy. Is the problem with my project or is this a unity bug (and if the latter, why has no-one mentioned it? It would break every single project on this version! Hmmm).
Cheers in advance for any help solving this that does just involve hiding the problem under the rug like I just did
Didn’t realise how out of date my version was. Apologies. Upgrading to alpha 14 fixed this.