com.unity.settings-manager - Use in non editor scripts

Hi I have gone through the examples for this package

It looks like it is a UnityEditor package.
It’s functionally is perfect for my use case, I want to load variables on the game start through a MonoBehavior.

void Start()
        int value = MySettingsManager.instance.Get<float>("myFloatValue", SettingsScope.Project);

but because this package is in the Editor folder I cannot access these during runtime. Is this an intended block?

It sounds like what you want is PlayerPrefs

No, I would like a cfg/txt file which is not included in the binary. So I can set settings before runtime. I can write my own system, but it looked this this package had what I am looking for. It stores a Settings.json file in the ProjectSettings file which can be modified, but seems like this package is UnityEditor only.

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