I am currently facing the same problem as you are. I am trying to integrate an Arduino board to a simple game to use it as input and output device. I ma basing myself on the code posted at:
I have been able to transmit data from Unity to Arduuino but not from Arduino to Unity for the same reason: the call back method does not get called.
On the other hand I did not implement the code strictly as shown on the link because I had problems when including
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
It game an error saying that I should have included and assembly library or something. Neither have I been able to add:
I fear that the problem might be thread related, although I have read somewhere else in the forums that Unity has thread support - or at least something called co-routine. But, I do not know how to use it and how to integrate that with COM communication.
Please, if you have found a solution or if anyone else knows about a solution to this problem, or even if anyone knows there is no solution to this problem, let us know.
Thank you very much.
You may also want to check that Mono properly supports the libraries you are using for the communication. Certain binary compression does not work in Mono, for example, so make sure you check.
Try the most simple setup you can, and if you are using a standard serial port or a USB-Serial UART bridge try to hook up a loopback connection (connect TX to RX) and verify in your Unity app that the bytes are going through.
If you are connecting directly to the Arduino, perhaps write a simple loopback program to do the same thing as connecting TX to RX.
I haven’t played with COM access through Mono/Unity yet, so that’s the most help I can be right now.
@scrobby4 - If you don’t mind sharing your code it might be helpful to others as this question has come up a number of times. In fact, this would make a great addition to the wiki: http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
As a TA for an undergraduate course, I am not allowed to post the solution, because it is part of their homework to find that out, but I can provide the community with a link to the homework itself, which gives the basic code that communicates with Arduino using C#.
The only step missing is to integrate this code into the “update”, “setup” and “end” methods in Unity and define which kind of information you want to send from Arduino to Unity and vice-versa, that is, how your own communication protocol is going to work.
Here is the link for the code: http://web.cs.wpi.edu/~gogo/courses/imgd3xxx_2009a/projects/proj2/imgd3xxx_Proj2_SerialComm_ArduinoSide.zip
Did anyone ever get serial communication on working in Unity on Windows and is able to post a code snippet?
My understanding is that to make it work I need to create a Mono Library first using something like MonoDevelop - is this correct?
Here is the basic structure I used for connecting Arduino with Unity using the serial port. It is pretty simple as you can see. I hope this helps:
//Basic libraries
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
#region Using directives
//Other libraries
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
//Serial Port library.
using System.IO.Ports;
public class MyClass : MonoBehaviour {
// Some other variable definition code
// could be added in here.
private SerialPort sp;
// Use this method for initialization.
void Start () {
// Inialization of other variables in here.
// Port set up with some basic settings.
// In my case, my device (Arduino)
// was in Port COM4 with a baud rate of 9600.
sp = new SerialPort( "COM4"
, 9600
, Parity.None
, 8
, StopBits.One);
// Open the port for communications
// Set read time out to 50 ms.
// This value might be too high actually.
sp.ReadTimeout = 50;
void End() {
// Closes the port - this does not
// seem to work for me.
// Perhaps it should be placed elsewhere.
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate() {
// The code implements a polling
// system, that is, data is
// only sent to Unity when requested.
// Writes to the serial port.
// As an example I am asking for
// the x coordinate of a joystick
// implemented using Arduino.
// However, for joysticks it might
// be better to use streaming instead.
// Reads data sent from Arduino
//through the serial port.
string tempS = sp.ReadLine();
// Process the data received and apply
// it in a useful manner.
Fantastic! That’s really helpful. The good news is that I’ve got it working on Unity Indy. There’s no need for external libraries which is what I feared.
The bad news for others trying this is that Mono’s handling of serial ports is a bit flaky which I suspect is why Unity doesn’t document these classes.
Essentially I found two problems:
Serial events don’t work
Functions which are supposed to return a particular value if there’s no data don’t work- they just give a timeout exception.
The way I got round this is by catching the exception and ignoring it - seems to work fine. Here’s an example using ReadByte but I’ve also had it working using ReadLine.
//Basic libraries
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
#region Using directives
//Other libraries
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
//Serial Port library.
using System.IO.Ports;
public class ComTest : MonoBehaviour {
// Some other variable definition code
// could be added in here.
private SerialPort sp;
// Use this method for initialization.
void Start () {
// Inialization of other variables in here.
// Port set up with some basic settings.
// was in Port COM1 with a baud rate of 9600.
sp = new SerialPort( "COM1"
, 9600
, Parity.None
, 8
, StopBits.One);
// Open the port for communications
// Set read time out to 50 ms.
// This value might be too high actually.
sp.ReadTimeout = 50;
void OnApplicationQuit() {
// Closes the port - this does not
// seem to work for me.
// Perhaps it should be placed elsewhere.
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate() {
// Read serial port data
// Mono serial class doesn't implement serial events or give the correct
// response to no data available
// If there's no data it throws a timeout error so we catch that error and do nothing
string tempS = "";
try {
byte tempB = (byte) sp.ReadByte();
while (tempB != 255) {
tempS += ((char) tempB);
tempB = (byte) sp.ReadByte();
catch (Exception e) {
if (tempS!="") {
Debug.Log("serial out "+tempS);
I read this post before, when I was starting my project.
the code here didn’t help much though, which is mostly because there is no arduino script displayed.
I’ve posted my solution on google code as an open source project here:
I posted some code over here that I use to connect Arduino/Unity with bluetooth. It’s super simple and it uses ReadLine… maybe this will help… http://stackoverflow.com/a/16502886/2373973