Combat Framework

Hello people of unity!

I released a new package on asset store.
Its general purpose third person character controller system and creator.

Along default character controller system which is aimed to be extended as wished,
added is more specialized combat system with npc interaction.

Purpose is, along with basic movement system, is to easily create player and/or npc controller with few clicks.
Placing npcs on map ready for combat with customizable animations and sounds.

Character controller is using rigid body capsule as movement collider, it can push and be pushed.
Also has body parts colliders which can be used for body location hits with ragdoll fall and hit reaction system.
Package provides playable game demo to show examples of using player and npc controllers.


  • player and npc creator
  • camera that can follow, rotate, zoom to player and wall collision prevention
  • top down camera that can follow, rotate and zoom to player ( for top down view system ).
  • unarmed, one handed weapon & shield, two handed weapon attack, block, block hit, locomotion animations, crouch, jump, dive roll etc…
    Movement modes:
  • walking towards moving direction strafing and ledge climbing movement mode.
    Weapon modes: ( v3)
    -one handed weapon & shield, two handed weapon and unarmed, bow, dual wield.
  • drawing / sheathing weapons ( switching between weapon and unarmed systems )
  • possibility to assign unique animation clips to every weapon and shield ( like attack, block, locomotion and other )
  • combat system with animated hit & block reactions.
  • ragdoll & accurate physics hit reaction system with ragdoll - animator transitions.
  • slope climbing limitations.
  • walking / running up and down steps and uneven terrain.
  • footsteps sound system.
  • sound manager
  • trigger management system with premade:
  • ladders climbing.
  • jump over obstacles.
  • jump on obstacles.
    -climb on obstacles
  • jump down
  • leap
  • ledge climbing.
  • npc local avoidance
  • npc nav mesh traversing
  • included example of combat demos with animations, sounds, npc and player prefabs.
  • and more…

I think better view can be obtained by looking at the videos.
Since there are lots of videos, I’ll separate them into two posts.

Player Demo & Setup:

Npcs Trigger & Obstacles Demo:

Top Down Demo:

Combat Framework:

Unarmed Demo:

Even more insight can be gained by trying out the demo scenes:

Dungeon combat scene: LINK

Player course scene: LINK
Blacksmith Demo: LINK

Multiple Scenes - TopDown and ThirdPerson: LINK

You can get the package at the: Asset Store LINK

Thank you for your time!

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More videos ( it wont fit in single post ):

Slopes, steps & uneven terrain traversing feature:

Tutorial Videos:
Player Item Setup: LINK
Archery System: LINK
Npcs Triggers & Obstacles Setup: LINK
Player & Footsteps: LINK
Combat Framework Tutorial: LINK
Top Down Tutorial: LINK
Player Triggers & Ladders & Ledges: LINK
My YouTube Channel: LINK

Thank you!

Hello again!

First update released!

Added weapon system with two modes: weapon&shield and two handed weapon.
Switching between unarmed and weapons.
Drawing / sheathing weapons.
Possibility to assign unique attack, block, locomotion and any other animation clip to every weapon and shield.
General fixes and improvements.

Here’s setup video for combat framework player and weapon / shield setup.

Ran across this not to long ago. Haven’t delved into the asset / code / setup itself but the demos, tuts and so forth are fantastic. It feels super good and seems to offer some nice platforming and combat out of the box. Dual wielding in V3 looks amazing. Any insights into future plans / updates?

Excellent work, needs more recognition.

Hello again,
I just wanna report that version 3.0 is released.
v3 updates:

  • added more items to item system: bow, quiver.
  • added more weapon modes: bow mode, dual wield mode.
  • added item highlighting when picking.
    -archery system
  • bugfixes
  • overall improvements.
    … more on chages & updates look in README.txt

Version 3.0 player setup video:

Version 3.0 item setup:

Version 3.0 archery tutorial:

… and link to another player: Blacksmith Demo

Thank you!
Well, for future updates I plan to add inventory system, character custimization ( armor, helmets etc…) improve ai and make more npc types.
I already made that just need to polish:

Hello, I found the GP & Combat Framework feature very interesting. Can I still have some infos from you?

Multiplayer: how is it with the AI from there are possible changes to the system perhaps angry system

I know your inventory is still at the beginning but will there be an intregration or possibility to use Inventory Pro?

Find it is simply one of the best inventory systems there is.

Or will your inventory system be similar?

What about an action bar? Will there be something in the future?

A small tip yet I would in the assetstore with your product with the link in this forum with so that the people can see better what your character controller GP & Combat Framework has to offer?

Looks very good, is there already something new to see or are you on vacation?

I am taking a rest for a few days, but I cannot without poking at the keys a little.
I am optimizing npcs - I will put many npcs video soon. Also I am creating open/go trough door, climb rope, push/pull objects features on CCGP - also video soon.

sounds good

a little question: Did your AI work with other creatures or only with humans ?

Hmmm, Ai script is calculating path, local avoidance, idle, wait, chase states etc.
Currently npc and player are required to be humanoid. Mostly because of unity IK system needed for ledge traversal, ladder climb and the like.
But I dont see many modification needed for npc to be generic - if you dont need those triggers for npcs ( or those triggers with IK for npcs ).
Good that you reminded me, npc can be made to work with generic much easier - I’ll adress that after next updates.

okay sounds good

Hi Mario,

I purchased your asset and imported to a new blank Unity project but cant use it as there is a console error after importing the Package :

Assets/_CharacterControllerGP/Standard Assets/ParticleSystems/Scripts/Hose.cs(32,32): error CS0426: The nested type MainModule' does not exist in the type UnityEngine.ParticleSystem’

How do I fix this as I cant use it at all at the moment and test run any example scene?

Edit Update :
OK I think I fixed it so hopefully no worries.


Hey peter how did you fix that, i thinks it`s helpfull for other users here in the Forum ?

Hi Twoonebe,

I had a few initial error messages as I had imported the asset into a new blank unity project- all of which were simply fixed by adding the Unity Standard Assets files that were missing…

After that I wanted to import and use the Controller asset into existing projects (the reason for having it) that use many other assets and had a few more problems. More adjustments and those were fixed and any issues I had - overcome too in my existing project. Some of the issues were simple and rather silly like the player was not animating correctly over the terrain by default - “relevant tags missing” but it took me a while to discover and work out for myself that was the reason.

Sounds/tags were also missing in places so they did not work out of the box and they would not I guess.

None of the issues were anything to do really with this asset which seems to be very well put together though I have not had time to go through everything and have only set up the player as yet so I can walk around as I need do so to build the level further. Not even added any weapons or enemies as yet. Don’t really need them getting in the way of level building though I wont be able to resist a battle for long :slight_smile:

I am doing the necessities first re : the Player, e.g. collision and so on.

I have a question for anyone that can help regarding the In Game - On Screen Pointer (mouse pointer)…
How can I hide it from view when in gameplay. It looks awful and invasive and as far as I can see serves no purpose whatsoever as there is nothing to click with it In game exe - no menu - if there was it should only appear when a menu is called to display. Pickups don’t need it and again if they did, it should only appear when in close proximity to a collectable/item of user interaction.
One more issue is that I cant hide the in game on screen Controls i.e. “Press F1 to hide the controls” or to be more exact it’s the words "Press F1 to show/hide the controls" themselves cant be removed (hidden) as they should be until F1 Pressed to display them again? I have even tried reinstalling the asset with no luck :slight_smile:

One way or another I will remove it but hopefully can turn it off in the asset system somehow? Is there a choice anywhere to turn it on or off? I don’t particularly like orbital cameras and perhaps its needed in this instance for that though I don’t think so?

Anyway glad to post something here.

I have attached a screen shot for anyone to look at with an interest and bear in mind its a one day into it shot.




It is stated in the manual that after you import project you click on the ‘Tools/Character Controller GP/Setup Project Requirements’
That will create all axes, tags, layers, physics exclusions etc…

I created project working in unity 5.2.2 and 5.5.0 using standard assets for those ( standard assets are needed for some scenes only - not needed for actual system ) and I noticed that standard assets scripts are changed based on unity version - so, if there are problems with standard assets, just import version for your unity version.

For removing info text - just remove UnityEngine.UI.Text object from GAMECONTROLLER object GameControl component InfoUI field ( set to null/none ).

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How do we add animations?

You can add animations in animator, overrider or individualy for each weapon in inspector.

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I’m sorry, can you give a bit more of an explanaition? I am very split between getting this and the Invector System. What you have here is great, especially for AI. Since both products are competitively priced, I really want to do my homework before I commit. I am very new to this and I am willing to put the work in to learn but what kind of scripting will I need to do for adding animations? Will I need to just drag and drop when it comes to replacing them? What is the overrider? These questions are the only thing keeping me from pulling the trigger on this item. Your tutorial videos were really good, but they did not cover much animation details. Thank you in advance for answering my questions.

I watched your progress on your asset since you released it but now I have question about something.
I am still thinking about if I should go this path for my work or just buy your asset as it is (it has nearly everything I would want to use/create myself) and only work with the third-person aspect:

Are you planning to extend this and add a first-person-view (maybe with full body awareness to use all the climbing features and such)?

My first goal was to use first- and third-person-view with a transition by scrolling in to the character, but it seems like there is no solution for this on the asset store and your asset at least provides everything needed for the third-person aspect. :slight_smile: