Combine children and LODing at the same time

Hey hey…

I’m planning to render fairly large cities, and I’m guessing the poly count of the houses unloded will be around 5k… which is way too much if you have a city of 200-300 houses. So I need to LOD.

I also want to use combine children on these houses to get the drawcount down.

So how do you recommend handling LOD versions and combine children in this scenario? It seems a bit complicated, but should be doable I suppose.

I think what I’m really asking is… is there a way to trace combined children to specific vertex index ranges in the combined mesh, so that they can be somehow disabled and not rendered while the high-poly version of the house is showing?

It’s so strange to me that nobody has answered this question as it’s an old thread, and now I’m facing the exact problem!

I’ve ended up to use LOD instead, because it has better performance in my case, but it would be cool and somehow necessary to implement them both in our projects especially when talking about huge scenes such as big cities.

Still feeling questioned that nobody has mentioned anything! :slight_smile:

Yeah, I have the same problem now :slight_smile: any ideas? Its hard to chose one of the two, coz both are useful. :frowning:

Is CombineChildren really useful anymore? If you mark your models static, Unity just automatically combines them on the fly.