combine children

if i use combine children on some objects and i click play on the editor, the front faces from the objects get invisible. Can me help somebody.

Are the front faces not supposed to be visible? I don’t understand your problem.

sorry, they get invisible of course … when i move in the editor to the back of the objects, they are all visible. So i have to rotate my Object in maya i think

damn the rotation in maya did not fix my problem , the front faces from the objects will only get invisivble when the combine children script is on the object and i play the run button.

Do you mind posting a small example project of this happening?


when i flipped the normals in maya , the frontfaces are not visible in the editor and when i press play they are visible ! !! Why ?

Without attaching a simple reproducible example I really can’t suggest anything…


its been a while but now i know exactly what the problem is. If i mirror a plane in 3D Studio MAX and put the Combine Children on the Gameobject the mirrored plane will be invisble (btw if you go with the camera behind the planes you will see it. It will be flipped) . i Attached a simple example. Press Play and please take a look and help me .

update: get also the problem if i scale the plane with -1 in unity

update2 : if i flip the normal from the mirrored(scaled) Plan in 3D Studio Max , the plane will not be visible in the editor. But if i press play both are visible. But the scaled plane get no light

117383–4451–$ (2.02 MB)

can somebody please take a look. It is very important for me to solve this issue. How must i change the combine children script to make it work ?

Don’t scale the geometry to a negative number… in your 3D app use the mirror tool.

its the same problem if i use the mirror tool in 3D Studio Max

Then duplicate the plane and reverse your UVs to get a mirrored image.

This will solve your problem - although it more covers it up than fixes the faces from flipping the other way.

Basically change the shader type from Diffuse to Nature Two pass and you’ll get your faces to point out, and in for that matter ; )

Hope this helps, cheers!

reverse UVs was the tip !!! Thank you Ethan :smile: :smile: :smile: !!!.. Sadly 2 Levels were build with the mirror method, so i had to fix it with script .

I don’t know 3DS Max at all, but try deleting/baking the modifier stack of your mirrored objects… this is the same as deleting history in Maya AFAIK (someone correct me if I’m wrong).

Maya’s mirror tool gets around the -1 scaling issue, but I guess this is different in Max.


deleting the modifier stack doesnt help, the mirrored obect is further scaled -1


it would be great if somebody know how to edit the “CombineChildren”-script that changed negative scaling.
I think it would help lots of people. Maybe somebody know how to do it and would share it with us.

Thank you very much…