I currently run CombineMesh (among other things) on my character resulting in a single skinnedmeshrenderer, mesh, material, and texture atlas. However, I’d like for there to be individual body-part hit detection as well, and for that I’m guessing I need to have separate body-part mesh colliders. Would it be possible to CombineMesh and keep the individual mesh colliders in place? If so, would that be worth doing versus not running CombineMesh and simply keeping each part on the character as an individual mesh with its own skinnedmeshrenderer?
Not easily. Generally, you should avoid using MeshColliders unless you need the precision and you have only few of these.
Check how ragdolls create only capsule and box colliders for their body parts. That’s what you ought to do. For best workflow, try to make a single collider setup that fits all (or most) meshes.
Typically for humanoids you’ll only need a specific set of colliders based on sex or race or body type (skinny, overweight), or a combination of these at most. In the latter case, you may want to consider a script that dynamically adjusts the collider sizes based on the humanoid properties.
Thanks for replying! This makes sense, I’ll go with the approach you suggest, creating capsule/box colliders instead of using mesh colliders. I forgot that mesh colliders are indeed more expensive.