I’m still fairly new to shaders and don’t entirely understand how they work. I’ve searched a lot on combining two shaders into one, but it seems like it really depends on which shaders you are combining so most of the others posts I find don’t really help me with my issue.
I have two shaders that work perfectly separately, (a wavy, distortion shader and a masking shader) but I need to combine them to achieve the effect I’m going for. I’m a little lost on how to do it. Here is the distortion shader:
Shader "Custom/DistortionShader" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
_Alpha("Alpha", range(0, 1)) = 1
_SpeedX("SpeedX", float)=1.5
_SpeedY("SpeedY", float)=1.5
_Scale("Scale", range(0.005, 0.2))=0.03
_TileX("TileX", float)=5
_TileY("TileY", float)=5
SubShader {
Tags { "Queue"="Transparent" "RenderType"="Transparent" }
LOD 200
#pragma surface surf Lambert alpha
sampler2D _MainTex;
float4 uv_MainTex_ST;
float _Alpha;
float _SpeedX;
float _SpeedY;
float _Scale;
float _TileX;
float _TileY;
struct Input {
float2 uv_MainTex;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o)
float2 uv = IN.uv_MainTex;
uv.x += sin ((uv.x+uv.y)*_TileX+_Time.g *_SpeedX)*_Scale;
uv.x += cos (uv.y*_TileY+_Time.g *_SpeedY)*_Scale;
half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, uv);
o.Albedo = c.rgb * _Alpha;
o.Alpha = c.a * _Alpha;
FallBack "Diffuse"
And here is the masking shader:
Shader "Custom/MaskedTexture"
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
_Mask ("Culling Mask", 2D) = "white" {}
_Cutoff ("Alpha cutoff", Range (0,1)) = 0.1
Tags {"Queue"="Transparent"}
Lighting Off
ZWrite Off
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
AlphaTest GEqual [_Cutoff]
SetTexture [_Mask] {combine texture}
SetTexture [_MainTex] {combine texture, previous}