Combining different Tilemaps,How to combine different Tilemaps ?


ive created a dungeon generator which creates the rooms out of different prefabs. Every roomprefab has it own tiles and tilemaps.

In the final result i would have 30 different tilemaps for 10 rooms. Every room has a tilemap for floor, background walls and foreground walls.

I want the whole generated map to have only 3 tilemaps. 1 for every floortile, 1 for every bg walltile and 1 for every fg walltile.

Is it possible to merge those different tilemaps after those rooms are generated ? Because i would like to set some different room wall setups. Meaning generating smaller rooms out of them by using the same roomsize, therefore i need those ruletiles to work to make those walls not look ugly.

i hope you know what i mean, english is not my native language, sorry for that.

Thank you for your time!


Okay ive got it working. Iam reading out the position and the tile of every tile in my generated world. Creating some Lists of them and finally rebuild the whole scene with SetTile.