[Coming soon]ParticleX, DOTS powered particle physics engine (10x faster than Nvidia Flex)!

ParticleX is the world’s fastest particle physics engine (10x faster than Nvidia Flex). Coming soon! It’s fully procedural, meaning you can import anything, and it just works.


Do you have a link to more info, this looks very interesting to me

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I don’t have a website yet, but it will be up soon. More details about ParticleX will be released as well.

Here’s an expensive vehicle dropped from 25 feet, simulated with ParticleX. ParticleX runs on mobile phones (iPhone 7 and above)

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This looks awesome,I wanted to simulate tech tonic plates Would this be feasible using particleX?

In the far future yes. However, ParticleX is currently only designed to replace vehicle simulations and general rigidbody dynamics for now. In the future (in a couple years), virtually everything from characters to terrain will be simulated with particles. This is intended to replace all physics in games as well as animation systems. Version 2.0 (coming 2021) will use artificial intelligence (auto-encoder neural network) and will have 100x faster convergence than this version 1.0.

Some big claims. I look forward to seeing how it goes :).

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If one consider a vertex or a voxel a particle it makes sense, though, and is already here. ;w;

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Why are you sharing cropped low resolution images of your display? Can’t you share some proper clean screenshots of whatever you are trying to show?


Demos were on an old harddrive that died, these photos are all I have for now. Demos were lost but physics core is backed up. More demos coming soon.

That happens to me too. Some days the dog decides to just chew up everything, even the cloud. It’s weird how those things work. ;):eyes:


I mean, nested prefabs, dark theme for all… ParticleX replacing all physics in games as well as animation systems. Why not? I feel like anything is possible at this point. What a time to be alive.