[COMING SOON] Sage -- A Unity 3d Animation Graph Editor

EDIT: Sage has been RELEASED! Check out the new forum thread here: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/120017-RELEASED-Sage-Anim-Graph-Editor

I wanted to take a minute to post about my upcoming Unity asset! I have been working the past few months to create my next asset, Sage!

Sage is an Animation Graph Editor for Unity 3d. It can be used to easily setup animation state machines, and to blend between different animations based on input variables. In order for Sage to drive animation on a character, all that is required is using C# to call a few accessor functions to set variables and trigger state transitions. Everything is is completely abstracted!

I have been working really hard on this, and I am very excited to finally announce this to the community! Before and after release, I plan to release a full series of official tutorial videos on how to use Sage. As well, I plan to fully support and expand Sage, based on my own plans as well as feature requests by the community. Sage should be released within the next week.

Below is a quick video I made showing an overview of Sage…

Feel free to provide feedback and ask any questions! :smile:

I cannot wait! This looks so great!

This looks very nice!

Awesome tool!

Truly terrifying editor color scheme. Horrible…I lost the will to live :smile:

LoL, yeah, I could see why you say that. Initially I have focused on functionality, so I went with high contrast to start with. But I may make a pass on the color scheme. What do you think would look better? :stuck_out_tongue:

Just stick to Unity’s native skin with colored bars etc where appropriate.
The more it looks like the real thing the easier it will be for users to adapt.

But this is not in the least bit important for version 1. The key is the functionality and that is amazing so far.

If it’s gonna be around 100 € I’ll definitely buy.

Yeah, I’ll try and tone it down a bit. Although I need to leave some color in there, as I want it to communicate information at a glance. Such as what type a node is, and what type of graph is currently open. Thanks for the input!

Sage has been submitted to the Unity Asset Store!

Nice. Hope it gets approved quick mate.
The best of luck to you :slight_smile:

PS: How much?

Thanks! The price is $95. It’s also available on our website already!

Looks nice, similar to the UDK.

Does it / will it support mixing of animations, i.e. mix an upper body attack animation with the lower body movement animations?


It sure does! I setup it up to support most animation features that Unity has. All you would need to do for this is create a Lower Body state machine, point it at layer 0 (or any layer less than the upper body). And then create an Upper Body state machine, point it at layer 1 (or any layer greater than the lower body), and set it’s blend mode to be additive. You would then just trigger states on the Upper Body state machine as needed, all while the Lower Body state machine does its thing!

I’ve tried to implement support for all animation features and use cases that I could think of. Although you can never catch everything that is needed or desired with releasing a product. So I plan to fully support Sage and work on any additional features needed after release. :slight_smile:

Sounds good. But I was wondering more specifically about Animation.AddMixingTransform(Transform) mixing, i.e. http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Manual/Animation%20Scripting.html#AnimMixing?


Oh, sorry for the confusion! Although I even made a mistake in my example, you shouldn’t make the upper body additive, that would make creating the animations a huge pain!

However, I was under the assumption, based on the engines I have used professionally, that if you don’t export transforms on bones in an animation, that it wouldn’t attempt to apply anything to those bones while playing back.

I assume that Unity requires you to be explicit about which transforms/bones to apply the animation to? There is no way to implicitly do this through the setup of the animations?

Regardless though, I will add support for this feature in a future update. Thanks!

I just posted the first official tutorial video for Sage if anyone wants to check it out!

I’m at work and don’t have access to the videos, but if this is what I envision in my head, I can’t wait to buy it!

Awesome! And I can’t wait to get it released! I’ts been almost a week since I submitted it to the store and no response yet. So hopefully soon! I’ll post a new thread to let everyone know when it has been released on the asset store.

For anyone following this thread, Sage has been released. Please refer to the release thread for more info or to ask questions: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/120017-RELEASED-Sage-Anim-Graph-Editor