[Command] and NetworkServer.Spawn issue


I have an issue with a Command Methods.

In this method I just want to Instantiate a bullet and change its color.
But on Clients, the bullet has not the right color and it has some problems with the spawning position.

The [command] method is called from a [client] one.

I tried lots of differents ways to do it and I have no clue.
Should I try [ClientRPC] ?

This is my script :

        void Cmd_SpawnBullet(string _netID)
            // Get a player in the scene from a dictionnary (keys are : string "PLAYER " + client netID).
            // And get his components
            MT_Player player = MT_Network_ConnectionManager.GetPlayer(_netID);
            MT_Platformer_Controller ctrl = player.GetComponent<MT_Platformer_Controller>();
            MT_WeaponManager wm = ctrl.weapon;
            // Return the controllers current weapon.
            // (Isn't Monobehaviour)
            MT_Weapon w = wm.GetWeapon();

            Vector3 rotation = ctrl.muzzle.up;

            if (!ctrl.facingRight)
                rotation *= 180f;

            // Instantiating bullet
            GameObject bullet = (GameObject)Instantiate(wm.projectile,

            // Changing bullet color
            // bullet.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = Color.red; // Doesn't work
            bullet.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = w.wColor;

            // Spawning bullet on Clients

You could use [clientRpc] and basically do the same things as you did in the command…but wouldnt it be easier to make the default bullet in the inspector for every weapon so that you can change shape and colour too? and then everything should work fine?.. i cant see a reason to why your scripts arent working but im guessing it has something to do with the prefab. I have done similar things with positions instead of colours, and i used rpc calls… works fine now… worth a try,