I noticed some restrictions regarding comments that I find problematic.
- The 600 character limit is pretty low imo. I understand that Discussions, unlike the forums, is not intended for elongated back-and-forths, but sometimes, even answering simple follow-up questions with a few lines of code is very hard with less than 600 characters. I am convinced that I won’t be the only one who will have to decide between not posting a comment at all because the intended answer cannot be compressed like that, or chaining multiple comments to make the intended point. Both would be bad for the site’s health, I believe.
- Speaking of code: The triple backtick code block doesn’t work like in questions and answers. The site instead renders a regular, single backtick inline code span. Again, I can imagine that this is meant to discourage long discussions; but I don’t think that taking away formatting options is the right way to do this.