Hi everyone.
I’m starting an open source community project with the purpose of developing AI solutions for the Unity platform. The core project is still in its infancy phase, but I am getting very close to having the community website completed.
If anyone is interested in any aspects of the community project, that is writing articles, supplying solutions that you have written, or any web site related activities (building groups, discussions, etc), or even interested in helping on the core project please let me know.
Send me a PM if you are interested in discussing this further.
I’m very interested. What sort of solutions do you have in mind?
Hi Emil,
The core project will contain many different strategies. I have included a fuzzy controller and a bayesian net, and there are other strategies that Ricardo and I are looking at. Some of the strategies I talked to you about some months ago when you were deep into your Behave release.
From the website perspective I would like to include articles, smaller samples that can be downloaded, discussion forums. I have even added some social networking aspects to the site so people can create public/private groups - and even create their own “group” forums.
We could definitely use your help on the core project if your interested, or any other community based activity you feel comfortable with. Send me a PM if your interested and I’ll send you a link to the main site, from there you can link to the code repository and see what has been worked on up until now.
i am still a unity newbie but I’ve always been interested in AI, especially fuzzy logic so i would love to see it applied in unity.
sorry I can’t be of more help then cheering from the sidelines but if you ever need web front-end work (CSS/JS) in your new community, i’d be more than happy to lend a hand :toast:
Hi Tom - you bring up an interesting point - I would also like to develop as part of this a monthly newsletter - I’ll send you a PM to get your thoughts that go to your strengths in marketing.
Hi shawn, I was just looking at the forum to ask if there were some progresses in your AI-project and what did I see: You were talking about exactly this!
I sent you my attempt of creating a better AI than the one from FPS tutorial some weeks ago, maybe I could help! (but only if you are using JS…)
Hi KlaRo - formally know as Gaston
I would definitely be interested in adding Javascript examples to the community site.
Send me a PM if you think you would still be interested in something along those lines.