I was just wondering what the wages are around the globe. I mean what does a med or senior developer earn when in pay roll and how much more does it become when it’s freelance work? Here in the Netherlands a med to senior earns around the 2500 euro a month when on payroll (job guaranteed by contract) and about 50 to 80 euro’s an hour for freelance work. How is this around the world? Where do Unity developers get paid the least and where the most?
Can we decide on a common currency,
Hi, another dutchman here…
small correction to be made, the average wage for a programmer is lower than 2500, more like 2000 (excluding deductions) for med. programmer. Senior programmer earn more ofcourse (up till 4000 excl. deductions).
But you mention developer, which is a wide term, what does developer mean in your book?
In the US, it varies a lot based on which state you live. Average salaries tend to linger between $50k and $70k (40,000 to 55,000 euros) a year, but can also go as high as $130k (103,000 euros) per year for senior programmers in high cost areas.
My definition of a developer is a programmer.
The April edition of Game Developer magazine has the results of a 2011 game developer salary survey. It mainly concentrates on the US, but does have some information about game development salaries globally.
It’s not free, though.
The average US programmer salary was around $84k ( €66k / £53k ). In Europe it was $46k ( €36k / £29k ). In general salaries were about 80% higher in the US.