Comparing Time

I am creating a puzzle game with 90 levels. Each level Has a stopwatch (Below) which tracks the time. Since sec min ext are separate variables and the time is displayed in a String, I don’t know how to compare current time with a saved best time.

  var sec : float = 0;
   var intsec : int;
   var minutes = 0;
   var seconds;
   var miliseconds : int;
   var guiTime;
   var time : String;
   var startTime;
   var timerShow : boolean = false;
   var startTimer : boolean = false;  
   var BestTime = 0;
  function Start(){
     startTime = Time.time;
  function Update() {
  		if(Input.anyKey || startTimer == true){
	       	  startTime= startTime-Time.time;
           sec = sec + Time.deltaTime;
           intsec = sec;           
           miliseconds = (sec - intsec )* 10; // Here you can use 10 instead of 100.
            if(intsec < 10){
                 seconds = "0"+intsec;
              seconds = intsec;
          if(intsec >= 60){
          time = minutes + ":" + seconds + ":" +miliseconds;

function OnGUI() {
  			if(Input.anyKey || timerShow == true){
  			timerShow = true;
            GUI.Label (Rect (10, 10, 100, 20), time.ToString());
  //          GUI.Label (Rect(10,30,100,20), BestTime.ToString());

Why would you separate out the components? Just update a normal datetime variable: timer = timer + Time.deltaTime - then separate out the components if you need to for some reason for the display or whatever.