compile error. does not denote a valid type.

So I am trying to export out a game to windows 8 store. It works fine in android, windows 7 and so forth. There are no errors except when I export to windows store. I THINK the issue my be the order at which the compile of scripts is being done. Looking at the pictures, you can see in the pulgins folder ‘vxbuttonbase’ and ‘vcanalogjoystick’ are c# scripts. This is from Virtual controls I bought which allows joysticks and fire buttons on screen. It works fine with my android cell phone and windows laptop touchscreen.

Now look at the ‘scripts’ folder. It has playership_js and quitpause.js in it. These reference the c# scripts in the plugins folder. The errors says it can not find the VCbuttonbase.
#pragma strict
//These are the button and the dpad controller for tough input
var PButton:VCButtonBase; //pause button
var QButton:VCButtonBase; //quit button

So I was wondering, does this sound like the c# scripts are not compiling first for the windows 8 store export? and if so, how do I get them to compile first? I tried moving the scripts around to different folders but still have error.

I found out the problem. The writer of ‘virtual controls’ here on the unity store helped out a lot. He looked at my project and eventually wrote this:

"So I searched around, and apparently, when building Windows Store Apps only, the compilation order that Unity enforces normally is ignored, hence the compilation order errors. To fix this, go to Player Settings, and change the “Compilation Overrides” option from “Use Net Core” to “Use Net Core Partially”.

So the issue was an export setting. Thanks to all who helped out. Maybe in the manual this could be added to this page: "

This is what you need to know:

I guess that the C# scripts you use simply doesn’t work for windows store builds. Just take a look into the script file. There might be a preprocessor directive which excludes those classes when you build for windows store. It might be enclosed with


This will make what’s inside that block to be only compiled when targetting android or IOS. This is usually done to prevent the usage of a class on a platform that isn’t supported by that class.