Compile error in StandardShaderGUI.cs, GetMaterialProperties is inaccessible.

I downloaded the latest shader source from here.
Copied the Editor/StandardShaderGUI.cs to my project Assets/Editor folder, renamed the file and the class name in order to differentiate it from the existing class.
I get this error:
Assets/Editor/StandardShaderGUIMod.cs(203,47): error CS0122: `UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.GetMaterialProperties(UnityEngine.Object[ ])’ is inaccessible due to its protection level

I have not made any modifications to the code, this is straight out of the box.
Am I doing something wrong?

I’m trying to find my way around the relatively complex new Standard Shader, but I can’t even get the unmodified source to compile, so I’m kinda stuck. Any help would be appreciated.

It’s this line in function AssignNewShaderToMaterial():

DetermineWorkflow( ShaderUtil.GetMaterialProperties(new Material[ ] { material }) );

I commented out that line and forced workflow to specular, and now it compiles:
m_WorkflowMode = WorkflowMode.Specular;

Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a bug in the shader source, or am I wrong in expecting this to compile simply by copying the editor script?

This makes me suspicious too - how can I be sure the shader source I download from the archives is what is actually running in my specific build of Unity? Is there some sort of version number in the code, that I can also query at runtime to make sure they match?

Its a bug, replace ‘ShaderUtil’ with ‘MaterialEditor’

e.g. instead of
DetermineWorkflow( ShaderUtil.GetMaterialProperties(new Material[ ] { material }) );

DetermineWorkflow( MaterialEditor.GetMaterialProperties(new Material[ ] { material }) );

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Yes, that works, thanks. So it looks like the shader source provided in the download archives is not the actual source compiled into the editor.

Maybe, might just be an oversight. I logged it as a bug when I made my previous post, so hopefully some point soon it will be fixed.