Compile Error with empty message, version 5.2.2f1


I’m having compile errors but can’t figure out which one or what the problem is because the is no Error message:

I check the Editor Log but I’m can’t figure out what’s wrong:

-r:“C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Mono\lib\mono\unity\System.Runtime.Serialization.dll”
-r:“C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Mono\lib\mono\unity\System.Xml.Linq.dll”

-----CompilerOutput:-stdout–exitcode: -1073741502–compilationhadfailure: True–outfile: Temp/Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll

  • Finished compile Library/ScriptAssemblies/Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll

However there isn’t a “Library/ScriptAssemblies/Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll” or a “Temp/Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll” I guess that’s the problem that they can’t be created.

Goggling for the exitcode: “-1073741502” didn’t help anything, I’ve read many different Threads, but couldn’t find a solution.

Another thing I’ve seen is that Unity won’t recompile the sources if I change something, moving files won’t help (the error goes anyway when no scripts are there, once any script is there I get the error), editing doesn’t trigger a compile. I tried with removing the iTween plugin and reducing the sources one by one, didn’t work. As soon as I add an “NewBehaviourScript.cs” script the empty error appears.

I’m working with visual studio community where I can compile the sources without errors, but Unity for some reason won’t do it…

I’d much appreciate any help.

Here is the full Editor Log:

Could get a Error message on another computer and it’s the same as mentioned in this Thread:

Which lead to this:

I could actually solve it with manually deleting all remains of Unity and Monodevelop after the deinstallation (ex. C:\Users[YourUserName]\AppData\Local etc. ) and then reinstalling 5.2.3f.

Changing locale has not worked for us. It has happened twice now. Only thing that has worked has been a fresh install.

I had this issue with Console Pro which was logging an empty error at "Script: 0". Swapping back to the built-in Console actually displayed the error.

I’ve read also that opening the Editor Log via the menu on the top-right of the Console can help track it down too.

Also if it helps anybody - the error I had was to do with a ScriptableObject having a method called Update which took arguments.