Compile error


I have a problem with the programation “All compiler error have to be fixed before you can enter playmode” someone have the answer ?

Visual not show me errors


What do you mean you don’t see errors? The screenshot clearly shows the error about Debug. It appears the is a script called Debug that you or a plugin added and it’s conflicting with Unity’s Debug class, so it doesn’t know which one to use. Either rename your own Debug class, or put it in a namespace would be my suggestion on how to fix it.

Remove the
using System.Diagnostics;

You’re welcome.

Edit: Fixed spelling…

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So that’s the solution to this specific compile error, but, there’s a reason that that line got added - it’s because Visual Studio hasn’t gotten autocomplete data from Unity, so typing Debug.Log made VS find the Debug class in that namespace instead. Here’s how to fix that.&text=Check%20if%20it%20works%2C%20if,and%20now%20it%20should%20work.).

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it seems that the error because I had not selected the ID :frowning:

Thanks everyone