I checked the build size in the editor log, but complete size does not match from the sum of all.
Textures 6.4 mb 9.6%
Meshes 0.0 kb 0.0%
Animations 60.0 kb 0.1%
Sounds 2.2 mb 3.3%
Shaders 339.8 kb 0.5%
Other Assets 3.1 mb 4.6%
Levels 13.6 mb 20.4%
Scripts 1.5 mb 2.2%
Included DLLs 3.9 mb 5.9%
File headers 225.0 kb 0.3%
Complete size 66.6 mb 100.0%
In my calculation complete size will be 31mb.
What is the rest 35mb?
Unity Version: 5.5.2f1 Personal
Building for iOS and Android.