[Completed] Third person controller - dark souls style - tutorials

Hi there, I’m working on a third person controller inspired to dark soul games.
I split my work in progress in different video, each one representin a specific implementation or improvement.
For example: locomotion in first one, target lock in the second and so on… attack, foot ik…
I would like an honest opinion on details you don’t like compared to the referenced game (DS).
Maybe if you feel something is good or better…let me know, some encouragement is welcome.

Here it is a screnshot of the latest update

Here the latest video update but please I would like a feedback on the other WIP steps too. thanks

An other update on climbing ostacles


real nice controller!! great ik feet! watching your thread!:slight_smile:

Impressive, I will be watching out for this one.

hey there, thanks for your feedback.

Hi, soon I will start sharing a little series of simple tutorials. The idea is to cover topics by using effective snippets of code and make understand the core mechanism.
It will be up the people to refine it, hopefully engaging a productive discussion.
Any ideas for the next topics to cover are needed and welcome.
Here is the link of the preview video, thanks.

Cool how to’s are a great addition. Based on my experience with other character controllers here are a few ideas of things to cover. I see these question being asked alot, and I to asked some.

  1. Changing animations - For the most part I find it easy however there are a few assets that doing this is not as simple as you would think
  2. Equipment - Not sure if you plan on doing much with it, but if so some tips on adding, removing, how ever you decide to handle equipment
  3. Controller pause - Again some are easy however I have on asset that requires extra code to pause the controller. Example case is when you want to pull up menu, show mouse and stop player movement, or maybe a spell or move freezes you

So far that is all I can think of, but little helpful hows on those would be great.

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Hi Darrkbeast, thanks for all of your suggestion.
Keep in mind that all start from the controller project in my channel (have you seen it?).
For now, I will share some key tips for problems I encountered and resolved by myself collecting information by different sources and writing my custom.

On purpose, the code won’t be perfect (Lo-Fi approach stand for that).
It will just how a way for those who are stuck like I was or, maybe, for those who are better than me to share and improve my concepts.

I admit to have never thinked about point 3… nice one.


Hi, I updated the series with the first video.
It’s just a project setup, but I would like your feedback.

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Looks good to me, I like that its short and to the point.

Hey there! Another update… Animator controller setup. Check it out!

Player Script, now we can move freely our character:

Great videos, easy to follow.

Hey! For those who missed it’s out the 4th video of the series… Today I hope to upload the last one.

Said and done. Last video of the series is out. Check it out!


Hey! Just to let you know that I’m posting new tutorials in a more appropriate forum’ section:

See you soon!

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